8 ways you can help your community

So, when time is a constraint and you still want to contribute to the conservation of environment in whatever little ways you can, try out some cool mobile apps that help you do so.

Android Application development companies as well as iOS application development companies have come up with applications that either guide you or les you lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. Listed below are 6 eco-friendly apps which you can make use of in your daily life:

Dropcountr – every single drop of water counts

This app helps you identify unnecessarily wastage and helps conserve water and use it judiciously. It calculates the water budget in your house according to the information you provide regarding the water expenses. This app has partnered with the water districts and utilities and helps the consumer monitor and manage the usage of water. Tips are provided on water conservation and rebates offered by utilities if any, are sent through mails. Alerts are sent if there is high water usage on a given day.

This app has revolutionized the way in which consumers manage their water resources. We think this is one of the coolest apps there are and you should begin with this one to go green.

iRecycle – recycle your way to a green lifestyle

If you are not aware of the things that can be recycled in your household and where the disposal sites are located, this is just the app for you. iRecycle app has access to about 1,600,000 ways to recycle around 350 materials and any queries regarding recycling are answered in the app. It has category-wise divisions of recyclable items and for each category a list of items that can be recycled appears. The places with full information where the selected item can be recycled are provided. So, you are saved the hassle of looking out for disposal places and at the same time you get to do your bit towards environment conservation. Pretty Cool in our opinion!

Carma Carpooling – because cars are after all the major source of pollution on road

Carpooling is a concept which helps in reducing the carbon footprint by sharing travel vehicles with others whose destination is the same as yours. This app is different from others because you needn’t book your vehicle and destination in advance. It is a real-time based app wherein you just need to login to see for vehicles already moving in the direction of your destination. By this the cost of travel is reduced as well as a lot of fuel is saved. Try it out, we have and we like it!

Locavore – your elders were right; eat local and seasonal produce!

Eat seasonal, eat local is the new mantra for staying fit. But do you know that by sourcing local and seasonal products you play a role in saving fuel needed to procure the products from far-away localities. This app locates your position and displays the local products available in that season. It also lists products which will be available in the coming season. It even provides a list of farmer markets in and around your locality.

GoodGuide – choose your products with detailed information

You go to the supermarket and randomly pick all the items in your weekly list without even looking at the ingredients. You should most certainly be concerned about how healthy or safe what you pick up is for you! This app has a barcode to scan the items and it then displays all the information about the product. The app also ranks the product according to its impact on your health and on the environment. It covers a vast range of products from food to toys and beauty products. So now you can decide what to buy and what not to, based on the product score. As a leading iOS and Android application development company, we think this is a great idea for an app.

Oroeco – helps you reduce your carbon footprint

What you can do to reduce the carbon footprint counts rather than what you think others can do. Working on this concept, this app helps you estimate your personal carbon footprint based on your regular spending habits. This app also gives you some tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint and improve on it. In a way, it makes you think about how you can incorporate the ideas in your general spending habits and being an android and iOS application development company committed to reducing the carbon footprint, we love the idea behind this app.

By using such eco-friendly apps, you contribute for a greener environment. Better still, your children learn to cultivate these habits by looking at you. After allBusiness Management Articles, children inherit what we leave behind and what we want to leave behind is purely dependent on our choices today. Go green!

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